bbobb's place

A snapshot of whatever random silliness or naughtiness is going through my head at the time I post. Be warned it can be a scary place inside my mind at times.

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Location: midwest, United States

30 October 2006

Kasey needs a punishment!

Kasey is heading out of town again for a few days this week. Leaving me without anybody to watch my back while dealing with the little monsters. Hopefully, I'll survive the ordeal.

If I do survive the ordeal, I've been thinking that I need to come up with a special way to welcome her home/give her a little payback for abandoning me. She has actually come up with one idea (see the last part of this post) and perhaps it can be the starting point of something more elaborate. I really wanted her to know just how much she was missed/how bad her abandoning me was.

So, feeling a little short on the creative juices, I'm turning to you my loyal reader(s?) for help with some ideas. Let's hear them. The originator of any idea used will be duly thanked and awarded 1,000 points on the Whose Line is it Anyway rerun of their choice.

Hope you're all getting as lucky as you want to be,


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