bbobb's place

A snapshot of whatever random silliness or naughtiness is going through my head at the time I post. Be warned it can be a scary place inside my mind at times.

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Location: midwest, United States

24 October 2006

Dogging Bat

Who says you can't teach an old bbobb a new trick? In a comment, caryagal said that she likes the dogging bat that they have. Dogging bat raises a couple of mental images, such as this big bat - bigger than a flying fox - that herds dogs. Or maybe a quilt filler made of dog hair. (Remember, I warned you that it can be a scary place inside my mind right up front.) Anyway, none of the mental images really seemed to have much to do with spanking, though.

I decided that this must be a gap in my education that needed filling. I'm not sure what grade dogging bats would have been covered in, but at least a couple of my teachers seemed a bit dodgy at the time, so I'll blame one of them for this lack. Maybe the one that we all called Bozo.

Being somewhat familiar with Google, I set about rectifying this lapse. Well, a little research turned up this:

and this: both of which look like a lot of fun. I like the sound of a Spring Steel Center! But, I was still a little stumped as to what exactly a dogging bat was in the vanilla world. Obviously it had something to do with horses, but what did the vanilla folks who bought such an implement use it for.

Of course, it turned out that a fellow spanko had the answer. Down at the bottom of this page at Agony and Ecsatsy, I found my answer. A dogging bat is "a whip used to drive the horse when dogging." Of course that leads to the question, "What's dogging?" But Agony and Ecstasy comes through for me there, dogging is "to throw down a bull jumping on it from a horse."

Mystery solved!

And I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd much rather use a dogging bat on Kasey's bottom than on a horse that I'm about to jump off of and onto a bull. While Kasey isn't completely safe, I'll take her over the running horse and no doubt pissed off bull any day.

Hope you're all getting as lucky as you want to be,



Blogger AngelBrat said...

We got ours at PetSmart for $6.99. Hard to er, beat!

27 October, 2006 21:12  
Blogger Caryagal said...


It is also used with Pigs. It is alternatively called a "pig slapper". Farmers use them to move the pigs from the pen into the chute for loading them onto their trucks.

Yes, I married someone who grew up on a farm :-)

Have a great one!!!


29 October, 2006 21:21  
Blogger Caryagal said...


It is also used with Pigs. It is alternatively called a "pig slapper". Farmers use them to move the pigs from the pen into the chute for loading them onto their trucks.

Yes, I married someone who grew up on a farm :-)

Have a great one!!!


29 October, 2006 21:21  
Blogger bbobb said...

I'll have to come up with an excuse to get to PetSmart soon.

I think I'll stick to calling it a dogging bat. Somehow, I don't think Kasey would appreciate calling it a pig slapper.


30 October, 2006 09:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We call it Mr. Do Right! write it in marker on the flap for the kids!
If they do bad, they see Mr. Do Right.

19 May, 2011 22:42  

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