bbobb's place

A snapshot of whatever random silliness or naughtiness is going through my head at the time I post. Be warned it can be a scary place inside my mind at times.

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Location: midwest, United States

12 October 2006

Found the ON switch

As I mentioned in an previous post, spanking wasn't originally one of my kinks. My inclination is usually more towards the gentle approach. Plus I have real issues with nonconsensual activities. Even if I know the activity is consensual, if it has the appearance of nonconsensual I find it somewhat difficult to do. But ultimately I aim to please and I am adaptable, so I'm willing to try just about anything if my partner asks for it.

With my DW, this adaptation has taken time and trial and error, but I think I'm getting closer to giving her what she wants. She definitely enjoys receiving spankings, but part of the thrill for her is that she gets them against her will. If she had to ask for a spanking it just wouldn't give her the same thrill. Which has made it hard for me to give her what she really wants. If I bring up the possibility of spanking her and she argues against getting one my first inclination is to go along with not spanking her, which isn't what she really wants, but she can't ask for what she really wants, because then it isn't what she really wants. It all gets a little confusing sometimes.

Anyway, I've been getting better about being more assertive about giving her spankings, but my more gentle approach still shows itself in how hard I spank her. I generally spank her hard enough to get a good sound and raise a little color, but I don't use anywhere near the full force I'm capable of.

Until the other night. She complained about one smack and I said, "Oh come on, that wasn't very hard."

To which she replied, "If that is not hard, then what is?"

Up to this point she'd been into the spanking and was getting excited, but she wasn't so excited that she had moisture running down her legs or anything. So I asked her with a bit of menace in my voice, "Are you curious, do you want to know?"

She didn't say anything, but she did squirm a bit. Knowing that she would never actually ask for a spanking, I took her silence for consent and told her, "OK, I'll show you."

Normally, I probably use about 10-20% of the full force I can put into a swing when I smack her bottom. This time I pulled back much farther than normal and swung hard maybe 75% of max.


She rocked forward and moaned a little, but didn't break position. "Again," I asked? Getting no response, I again assumed the affirmative.

Another big wind up and ...


I paused in the spanking and rubbed a finger through her lips and WOW there was practically a lake down there. Just two hard smacks and instant switch from excited to OHMYGOD TURNED ON!

Well, this was certainly a pleasant surprise. So I gave her ten more good hard ones and got a nice deep red color over most of her bottom as she squirmed and wiggled and fought so hard to maintain position - knowing that a break from position would result in more swats.

After the spanking she turned over and sat on the edge of the bed for a little licking. Her excitement and the constant reminder of the edge of the bed across her bottom resulted in one of the quickest orgasms I've ever seen her have, and judging by the volume of her screaming one of the strongest in a while. And they just kept coming and coming and coming.

Hope you all are getting as lucky as you want to,


Blogger Caryagal said...

Wow! You and my hubby need to talk! He is where you were.. But I think it will be a while before he tries the really hard one! Hopefully not too long *G* ! I love your new blog!


13 October, 2006 21:42  
Blogger bbobb said...

Hey feel free to have him IM me on Yahoo - bb_o_bb. :-)

Thanks for the kind words.


14 October, 2006 10:40  

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