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Location: midwest, United States

12 October 2006

Any spankos in the audience?

So are there any spankos in the crowd?

I wasn’t initially much of a spanko, but my DW is, so I gave it a try. I really enjoy it now, but I’m pretty sure that the main attraction is how much she enjoys it.

I get a real rush out of making her come. It brings about a sense of satisfaction at a job well done as well as a sense of power to be able to make her body react that strongly to what I’ve done. This doesn’t just apply to spanking; cunnilingus is definitely one of my favorite pastimes.

Anyway back to spanking. I’m definitely a giver of spankings. I have little to no interest in receiving a spanking, but if it makes her happy to receive one, I’m up to the task. I have gotten into it enough that I find myself paying attention to certain aspects of the spanking, particularly sound and aim. Some sounds are much more pleasing than others and it takes practice to reliably produce the sounds I’m looking for. The same is true of aim. It takes practice to spread the impacts around to get nice even color. Before getting into spanking, I never thought it would be something that required practice. How hard could it be I thought, but I had never considered the nuances.

So, any of you out there like to deliver spankings? If so, what about it appeals to you? And for those of you who enjoy getting a red bottom, what is it that you’re looking for in a good spanking?

Hope you’re all getting as lucky as you want to be,


Blogger Caryagal said...


For me as a spankee, it is the relinquishing of power. I can relax and not be in control. I can let him control it. The more control he has the better I feel. I have so very much in my life I am in charge of now, every once in a while (well ok... I'd like it really often), I like not to be the one in charge! We are equal partners in marraige, but I'd like to be unequal in the bedroom!


13 October, 2006 21:45  
Blogger bbobb said...

I suspect that that is part of the thrill for my DW as well. It's kind of interesting because my natural tendancy is to sit back and observe and not try to control things, but I've definitely been gaining an appreciation for being in control in the bedroom (or the living room or the deserted country road or ...) :-)


14 October, 2006 10:43  

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