bbobb's place

A snapshot of whatever random silliness or naughtiness is going through my head at the time I post. Be warned it can be a scary place inside my mind at times.

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Location: midwest, United States

26 October 2006

Fair? Unfair? You be the judge.

Does there have to be a reason for a spanking? Can a spanking be just because the spanker feels like doing it or does the spankee have to earn the spanking by misbehaving in some way?

For Kasey and I there is usually a reason for the spanking. We have a number of rules that violations are punished by spanking. For example, biting my nose, leaving the garage light on or leaving milk out on the counter are all spanking offenses. While Kasey may argue extenuating circumstances from time to time, there really is no question of unfairness with the rules.

She knew the rule.
She knew the consequence.
She broke the rule.
She gets the consequence.
Nothing unfair about it.

Sometimes though, I know she'd enjoy a spanking and I know I'd enjoy giving it to her and we'd both enjoy what comes after, but there hasn't been an infraction that warrants a spanking. In this situation, I'll be accused of all kinds of horrible things - well being unfair at least and possibly being mean as well - if I suggest a spanking.

So I ask you. Is this fair? Here I am trying to make everybody concerned happy and I'm called unfair and possibly even mean.

Wait a minute. I know how to fix this. I'll just make a rule that calling me unfair or perhaps even mean is a spanking offense. Problem solved. :-)

What do you think? Is this the perfect solution to the problem or what?

Hope you're all getting as lucky as you want to be,


Blogger Caryagal said...

would certainly work for me :-) I think that is a great rule!!!


29 October, 2006 21:22  

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