bbobb's place

A snapshot of whatever random silliness or naughtiness is going through my head at the time I post. Be warned it can be a scary place inside my mind at times.

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Location: midwest, United States

30 November 2006

I'm still alive

When I was in my first year of college, I got a card from my mother. The message on the card was, "I heard a rumor that you're still alive." It seems that I hadn't written or called her in a while.

I feel like the blog has been sending me "Are you still alive?" cards, but I just haven't had the time to write lately. I have either an almost completed or half completed chapter of The E&A Group but I can't decide which is the correct amount of completion. I've had a couple ideas for blog posts, but I haven't written any of them yet. Kasey has been naughty lately, so there are a couple of stories that could probably be told, but these haven't been written down either.

Anyway, I am still alive and I will be putting up some new posts with actual content sometime soon.

Hope you're all getting as lucky as you want to be,


Blogger Paul said...

That's good news Bbobb, I was beginning to wonder. *G*

30 November, 2006 11:07  

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