bbobb's place

A snapshot of whatever random silliness or naughtiness is going through my head at the time I post. Be warned it can be a scary place inside my mind at times.

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Location: midwest, United States

08 February 2007

And if I were to die, here's how

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

How Will You Die?

MY RESULT:Peacefully In Your Sleep

You’re smart, you're healthy and you don’t let anger or stress get the best of you. But even the best of us gotta go sometime.

Wanna die in a more adventurous way? We recommend taking up one (or all) of the following hobbies: glass eating, chemical mixing, hijacking, or poking grizzly bears with sticks and calling them “jerkface.”

Take This Quiz!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad your back Bbob, I too would die peacefully in my sleep, but I do hope not too soon.


11 February, 2007 23:28  
Blogger Cigamybab said...

Was sup U Have Been listed @
Adult Blogger Blogs
You can Find Your Link @
Adult Blogger Blogs B List

A Link back would be Appreciated

Thanks Cigamybab

25 March, 2007 22:44  

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